12 Feb Convocation
Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, Scotland, October 2013
Convocation: Colm Cille’s Spiral
This exhibition was part of the Derry-Londonderry City of Culture project Colm Cille’s Spiral.The exhibition shares the results of a residency on the Isle of Raasay off the coast of Skye where we, a group of scholars and artists responded to the legacy of the 6th century monk Colm Cille.
My work responded to the pun of ‘I’ in the book ‘ Life of St.Columba’ by Adomnan of Iona, which was part of our required reading for the residency.
My final piece, entitled ‘What is the nature of I ?’ was in two parts. One was an installation made using many layers of peat of the letter ‘I’ the other was a shelf, altar like, with two objects placed on it. The objects were my copy of the book ‘Life of St.Columba’ and a piece of wood, the same size as the book with the letter ‘I’ painted on it, which I found in the library of Raasay house and borrowed it for the exhibition.