
Out of bounds: borders, boundaries, bindings

The Flavel, Dartmouth, June 2014

Exhibition with Julia Bond, Judith MacLachlan and Kyra Clegg

Hand held, water worn stones have a continuous appeal to us. I have selected nine stones and bound each using a mixture of different natural materials. The stones are documented and this photographic series forms the work for this exhibition. I have produced a small book which (gives) balances the images of these stones with a selection of quotes from a variety of sources referencing how stones were perceived, valued and used in the past, particularly (with reference to) in the Highlands of Scotland.

The book is available to buy here The stone photos are also available to buy, please contact me directly for further information.

9 stones book 1  9 stones book 2  9 stones book 3

9 stones 4  9 stones 2  9 stones 3

Out of bounds exhibition - pieces hanging 2  out of bounds exhib
